Installing MiamiDX Step by Step A1200

Installing MiamiDX Step by Step A1200 Hello hope this helps people here goesInstalled Workbench3.0 Installed CompactFlash driversdh0: (Workbench) dh1: (Work) cf0: (Compactflash)ok the files you Installer-43_4.lha Mui38usr.lha MiamiDx10cmain.lha MiamiDxc-Mui.lha MiamiDXkeys.lha…ght=miami+keysAll these files should be on your compactflash card and your compactflash card should…

Amiga 1200 Install Notes

1. Install base Workbench 3.1 2. Install fat95 and cfd so you can read fat32 cf card in pcmcia slot 3. Copy highgfx, superplus and xtreme monitor drivers to devs:monitors 4. install adfblitzer (there is bettter, just haven’t found it yet) 5. mui38usr.lha, clicknot, installer 43.4, lha, lzk & keyfile,…

ide max transfer

0x1fe00   When partitioning a hard drive using HD Tools, you want to set the max transfer to 0x1fe00 when using the IDE interface for the Amiga 600/1200/4000.

Auto-Starting Synergy in MorphOS

This is an IRC chat that was going on today about starting Synergy automatically at boot and having it minimize. <Frek> Is there any documentation for the morphos synergy client somewhere? like for example how to save the configuration and… have it start with a priority of like say 2…